Welcome we are a group of like minded people you enjoy exploring nature and the natural world. We have regular outings and meetings where new people are welcome to attend, to find out more click here.

Future events

Important Notice – change of location and dates for future meetings

Due to issues booking the Royal Society Room from the South Australian Museum, we have been forced to change the date and location of the FNSSA General meetings to the Goodman Lecture theatre.

All General meetings after March will be held at this location on the 3rd Wednesday of every Month, except January when no meeting is scheduled.

FNSSA AGM – 7:30pm Wednesday October 16th 2024

Location: Goodman Building, Hackney Rd. Click here for a map

Speaker: Peter Matejcic, FNSSA – Winner of the FNSSA Nature Conservation Award 2024

Topic: Illustrated presentation of Peter’s conservation work/interests in SA.

FNSSA General Meeting – 7:30pm Wednesday November 20th 2024

Location: Goodman Building, Hackney Rd. Click here for a map

Speaker: Darren Niejalke & Warrick Barnes

Topic: The Green Adelaide, Coastal Dragon Rewilding project.

FNSSA General Meeting – 7:30pm Wednesday December 18th 2024

Location: Goodman Building, Hackney Rd. Click here for a map

Speaker: Where the Speakers are you!

Topic: Illustrated Short presentations from our members.

FNSSA Lirabenda Endowment Fund Research Grants 2024

Applications for 2024 LEF Grants now Close! Click here for details and applications